PEACE-Extracts - Bahá'u'lláh:-
 Day of God's excellent favours
 God’s purpose sending Prophets
 All-embracing assemblage of men
 Unattainable until Unity established
 Establishment of Lesser Peace
 Moderation desirable in All Matters
 Most Great Peace Enjoined
 Take Counsel-Profit Mankind
EXTRACTS Utterances Bahá'u'lláh:-
 Words spoken to E. G. Browne
EXTRACTS Writings Abdu'l-Baha:-
 Men-No power establish peace,
 Prejudices will bring Wars
 Teachings that support Peace
 Sovereigns Will Arise
 Absence of means prevented unity
 Chaos increasing in World
EXTRACTS Utterances Abdu'l-Baha:-
 International Unity/Conciliation
 Misunderstandings between Nations
 America & Most Great Peace
 Women & War
 Action necessary for Peace
 The Most Momentous Question
 Same education for man/woman
 Man/Woman- Two Wings of Bird
 Supreme Tribunal be elected
 All Nations Disarm at Same Time
 Every century- 1 main problem
EXTRACTS Writings S. Effendi:-
 Statesmen not redeem Mankind
 Bahá- World Federal System
 A world-Shaking ordeal
 World Commonwealth destined
 Principle- Collective Security
  Formative Age of the Faith
EXTRACTS ltrs behalf S. Effendi:-
 The world is in great turmoil
 Peace after recognizing Bahá
 Unification Mankind after time
 International Executive
 Unity in Political Realm
 Lessor & Most-Great Peace
 Women Arising for Peace
 Seven Lights Unit-Order
 New Way of Life
EXTRACTS from Letters of UHJ:-
 Progress Man is Unification
 Unity Nations 20th Century?
EXTRACTS Letters behalf UHJ:-
  Bahá Aim to Eliminate War
 Nuclear Disarmament
 World Gov't Establishment
 Bahás not Pacifists
 Bahá'u'lláh's Principal Mission