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Caught Up
Paul met a person who was Caught Up and still on Earth (2co 12:2-4)
John was Caught Up into heaven in a Vision. (rev 4:1-2)(rev 9:17) see
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me Draws him.." (joh 6:44) see
"Unto thee, O Lord, do I Lift Up my soul." (psa 25:1) see
"And God Raised us Up with Christ and seated us with him in the Heavenly Realms." (eph 2:6) see
According to Harper's Bible Dictionary (under 'soul'): "A moderate dualism exists in the contrast of spirit with body and even soul, where 'soul' means life that is not yet Caught up in grace." [-ed]
Also Enoch was Translated so not see death (heb 11:5) see
And Paul & others were Translated: (col 1:12-13) see
"When you realize your worthlessness before God, He will Lift you Up.." (jam 4:10) see
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