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...For though of the earth earthly, yet in reality they are of heaven.. their characteristics heavenly. flw 30
...Man is of the image of God, that is, the perfections of God, the divine virtues are reflected in man. pup 66
...This applies to women as well as men.. all are creatures and servants of God. pup 72
...It requires that we become recipients of all the perfections of God. It necessitates the focalization of all heavenly virtues. pup 243
...The spirit of man distinguishes him above all the lower kingdom. It is his spirit to which the verse.. refers when it states that man has been created after the image of God. pup 253
...The highest development of man is his entrance into the divine kingdom. If spiritual fruits are forthcoming he is enkindled with fire of God's love. pup 330
...By this is meant the attainment of heavenly virtues, to get rid of defects and show forth the attributes of God.. pup 398
...If one lives up to these divine commandments, this world shall be transformed into a paradise of glory. This is being created in the image of God. pup 467
...This is the supreme goal of the world of humanity.. Divine education consists in acquiring divine perfections. saq 9
...He must educate the human reality that it may become the center of the divine appearances.. that the attributes and names of God shall be resplendent in the mirror of man.. image and likeness may become true. saq 11
...Just as the effulgence and light of the sun, when cast upon a mirror, is reflected fully, gloriously, if the mirror be polished, so likewise the virtues of Divinity are possible of reflection in the human reality.. stw XVIII:4, p. 128
...To man God has given such wonderful power that he can guide, control and overcome nature.. How can man be content to lead only an animal existence? pt 122
...Man must become the reflection and likeness of God even as it hath been revealed in the bible, "We shall create man in Our image." pup 26
...God created man in the utmost perfections.. Every excellent soul, if confirmed by the heavenly bounty.. putteth forth wonderful blossoms and growth.. tab 674
...The coming of the Manifestation results in man being adorned with spiritual qualities, they become the image of God, the true station of man planned from the beginning. 10d 55
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