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...The purport of these words is whosoever is quickened by the breath of the Manifestation.. attained unto life, resurrection, entered into paradise.. Whosoever is not is condemned to death, deprivation, fire of unbelief and wrath of God. kiq 118
...The second birth of which Jesus has spoken refers to the appearance of this heavenly nature in man. pup 38
...Its accomplishment is through the Holy Spirit, through the love of God. see pup 271
...Man must be born again. Man is a captive of nature until born of the breaths of the Holy Spirit. pup 282
...so long as he is the captive of nature he is out of touch and without knowledge of the universe of the Kingdom. Rebirth means his freedom from attachment to mortal and material life. pup 298
...The human soul is in need of divine vivification emanating from the Holy Spirit--without it man would be an animal. pup 311
...When a man is born, he is freed from material darkness. In the same way he must be born from the world of nature. This is the second birth.. When his spirit overcomes his body the second birth takes place. ( Talk on Mt. Carmel, 9/7) stw XI:16, p. 269
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