Abdu'l-Baha in London by -'Abdu'l-Bahá- 2 Para

Farewell Meeting Reprint-
AT the invitation of Mrs. Thornburgh- Cropper about four hundred and sixty representative people met in the hall of the Passmore Edwards' Settlement, Tavistock Place, last Friday evening to bid farewell to 'Abdu'l- Baha Abbas on the eve of his departure for Paris. Arriving in London on Monday evening, September the fourth, he has spent a happy and busy four weeks in our midst. Except for a brief visit to Bristol last week he remained at 97, Cadogan Gardens. His time was mainly occupied in interviews with people who wish to meet him. These included not a few whose names are household words in this country, and some travelled long distances to see him. (15:2)

A beautiful spirit prevailed on Friday evening. The atmosphere was very different from that of an ordinary meeting or religious gathering. Everyone present was enriched by the lofty spiritual tone of the proceedings; the notes struck were all in the direction of Brotherhood, Unity, and Peace. While a report of the speeches would give a very inadequate idea of the effect produced, yet they were so well- conceived, so sincere, so exquisitely phrased as to be all worthy of reproduction. Among others Amir Ali Siyyid wrote regretting is inability to be present, and Archdeacon Wilberforce sent affectionate greetings. (17:1)

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