Farewell Words; Abdu'l-Baha- He brought the light of guidance to the world; He kindled the fire of love and revealed the great reality of the True Beloved. He sought to destroy the foundations of religious and racial prejudice and of political rivalry. (20:2) He likened the world of humanity to a tree, and all the nations to its branches and the people to its leaves, buds and fruits. (20:3) His mission was to change ignorant fanaticism into Universal love, to establish in the minds of His followers the basis of the unity of humanity and to bring about in practice the equality of mankind. He declared that all men were equal under the mercy and bounty of God. (20:4) Then was the door of the Kingdom set wide and the light of a new heaven on earth revealed unto seeing eyes. (20:5) Yet the whole Baha'u'llah's life was spent in the midst of great trial and cruel tyranny. In Persia He was thrown into prison, put into chains, and lived constantly under the menace of the sword. He was scorned and scourged. (20:6) When He was about thirty years old He was exiled to Baghdad, and from Baghdad to Constantinople, and from there to Adrianople and lastly to the prison of Akka. (20:7) Yet under chains and from His cell He succeeded in spreading His cause, and uplifting the banner of the oneness of humanity.