Abdu'l-Baha in London
Page 23 of  110

10 Cheniston Gardens-
The subjoined notes are taken from "The Quarterly Record of `Higher Thought' Work," November 1911. (23:1)

ONE of the most interesting and significant events which have taken place, has been the visit of 'Abdu'l- Baha to London. The Persian Mage whose life, passed in prison, has been spent in promoting peace and unity by the one certain method of aiding individual spiritual development, must in a very real sense have "tasted of the travail of his soul and been satisfied". Not only was he visited privately by nearly every earnest truth- seeker and leader of high thought in London, but his message was made known to thousands who had but dimly heard his name before. (23:2)

The Higher Thought Centre was well known to 'Abdu'l- Baha as the place where the Baha'is held their weekly meetings under the direction of Miss Rosenberg, and an invitation to the Centre was accepted by him just two days before his departure. Through his interpreter 'Abdu'l- Baha gave a kindly greeting and a short impressive address, dwelling on the blessedness of such an assembly gathered in a spirit of unity and spiritual aspiration. He concluded with a lowly uttered fervent prayer in his own tongue, and a benediction which all present felt to be very real. (23:3)

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