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Christ and Baha'u'llah- A friend asked how the teachings of Baha'u'llah contrasted with the teachings of Jesus Christ. "The teachings are the same." declared 'Abdu'l- Baha; "It is the same foundation and the same temple. Truth is one, and without division. The teachings of Jesus are in a concentrated form. Men do not agree to this day as to the meaning of many of His sayings. His teachings are as a flower in the bud. Today, the bud is unfolding into a lower! Baha'u'llah has expanded and fulfilled the teachings, and has applied them in detail to the whole world.
"There are no solitaries and no hermits among the Baha'is. Man must work with his fellows. Everyone should have some trade, or art or profession, be he rich or poor, and with this he must serve humanity. This service is acceptable as the highest form of worship."
Art- A painter asked: "Is art a worthy vocation?" 'Abdu'l- Baha turning to her impressively, said: "Art is worship."
An actor mentioned the drama, and its influence. "The drama is of the utmost importance." said 'Abdu'l- Baha. "It has been a great educational power in the past; it will be so again." He described how as a young boy he witnessed the Mystery Play of Ali's Betrayal and Passion, and how it affected him so deeply that he wept and could not sleep for many nights.
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