...Be not satisfied with words, but seek to understand the spiritual meanings hidden in the heart of the words. The Jews read the Old Testament night and day, memorizing its words and texts yet without comprehending a single meaning or inner significance, for had they understood the real meanings of the Old Testament, they would have become believers in Christ, inasmuch as the Old Testament was revealed to prepare His coming. As the Jewish doctors and rabbis did not believe in Christ, it is evident that they were ignorant of the real significance of the Old Testament.. The divine Words are not to be taken according to their outer sense. They are symbolical and contain realities of spiritual meaning..These are the mysteries of God. It is not the reading of the words that profits you; it is the understanding of their meanings.. All the texts and teachings of the holy Testaments have intrinsic spiritual meanings. They are not to be taken literally.. no happiness is sweeter than spiritual comprehension of the divine teachings. If a man understands the real meaning of a poet's verses such as those of Shakespeare, he is pleased and rejoiced. How much greater his joy and pleasure when he perceives the reality of the Holy Scriptures and becomes informed of the mysteries of the Kingdom. (pup 458)