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To the members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada. Dear and precious fellow-workers in the Vineyard of God: The communications addressed to me by your indefatigable and distinguished secretary, dated October 28, November 8, 11, 18, December 4, 16 and January 27th, have been received, and together with their enclosures read and carefully noted. I cannot but admire the spirit of unrelaxing resolve and harmonious cooperation with which you are conducting the ever-expanding activities of the Cause in a land upon which our Beloved has lavished His richest blessings, and for the spiritual potentialities of which He cherished the brightest hopes. The vigorous efforts you are exerting to consolidate the forces which the Almighty has placed in your hands; the resourcefulness you display by the measures you have initiated for the furtherance of the Cause; the magnificent response with which you have met the piteous call of your suffering brethren of the East -- all proclaim your worthiness of the unexampled efforts which, in your country more than in any other land, Abdu'l-Baha has exerted for the spread of the Revelation of Baha'u'llah
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