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To the members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada: Dearly-beloved co-workers: Your communications dated April 15th and May 6th and 9th have been received, with their enclosures, and carefully perused
Declaration of Trust and By-Laws The Declaration of Trust, the provisions of which you have so splendidly conceived, and formulated with such assiduous care, marks yet another milestone on the road of progress along which you are patiently and determinedly advancing. Clear and concise in its wording, sound in principle, and complete in its affirmations of the fundamentals of Baha'i administration, it stands in its final form as a worthy and faithful exposition of the constitutional basis of Baha'i communities in every land, foreshadowing the final emergence of the world Baha'i Commonwealth of the future. This document, when correlated and combined with the set of by-laws which I trust are soon forthcoming, will serve as a pattern to every National Baha'i Assembly, be it in the East or in the West, which aspires to conform, pending the formation of the First Universal House of Justice, with the spirit and letter of the world-order ushered in by Baha'u'llah
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