Baha'i Administration
Shoghi Effendi
Page 33 of  196

To the members of the National Spiritual Assembly.
Dearest friends,
I have just completed the translation of a number of selections [1] from the Master's soul-stirring Words to His loved ones in Persia, revealed some twenty-five years ago, and during the darkest days of His incarceration in the prison city of Akka.[1=Published in the booklet "Prayer of Baha'u'llah: Prayers and Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha."] (33:7)

You will realize, as you read them, the unshakable confidence of Abdu'l-Baha in the inevitable growth of the Cause, even in the most perilous days of His life. Their perusal will enable you all to grasp more fully the significance of this Movement and its dynamic power, the urgent need for sustained unity and harmony amongst the friends, and the glory of the station that awaits in the world to come every faithful servant of Baha'u'llah (33:10)

May they contribute their share to the unfolding of the Spirit of the Cause in that land, and may they infuse in all the friends that ardent spirit of service and fellowship that will enable them to fulfill their glorious destiny in this world!
Your brother and co-worker,
SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, February 13, 1923 (33:11)

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