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Letters to Kings About this time Baha'u'llah wrote His famous letter to the Sultan of Turkey, many of the crowned heads of Europe, the Pope, and the Shah of Persia. Later, in His Kitab-i-Aqdas He addressed other sovereigns, the rulers and Presidents of America, the leaders of religion in general and the generality of mankind. To all, He announced His mission and called upon them to bend their energies to the establishment of true religion, just government and international peace. In His letter to the Shah He powerfully pleaded the cause of the oppressed Babis and asked to be brought face to face with those who had instigated their persecution. Needless to say, this request was not complied with; Badi, the young and devoted Baha'i who delivered the letter of Baha'u'llah, was seized and martyred with fearful tortures, hot bricks being pressed on his flesh!
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