Congregational Prayer These ordinances, which are in accordance with Baha'u'llah's abolition of professional clergy, do not mean that He attached no value to meetings for worship. Regarding the value of gathering for prayer, 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke as follows: (63:6) Man may say: "I can pray to God whenever I wish, when the feelings of my heart are drawn to God; when I am in the wilderness, when I am in the city, or wherever I may be. Why should I go where others are gathered upon a special day, at a certain hour, to unite my prayers with theirs, when I may not be in a frame of mind for praying?" (63:7) To think in this way is useless imagination, for where many are gathered together their force is greater. Separate soldiers fighting alone and individually have not the force of a united army. If all the soldiers in this spiritual war gather together, then their united spiritual feelings help each other, and their prayers become acceptable. (from notes taken by Miss Ethel J. Rosenberg). (63:8) Prayer the Language of Love If one friend loves another, is it not natural that he should wish to say so? Though he knows that that friend is aware of his love, does he still not wish to tell him of it? .. It is true that God knows the wishes of all hearts; but the impulse to pray is a natural one, springing from man's love to God (64:2) ..Prayer need not be in words, but rather in thought and action. But if this love and this desire are lacking, it is useless to try to force them. Words without love mean nothing. If a person talks to you as an unpleasant duty, finding neither love nor enjoyment in the meeting, do you wish to converse with him? (article in Fortnightly Review, Jul.-Dec. 1911, p. 784 by Miss E. S. Stevens). (64:3) In another talk He said: In the highest prayer, men pray only for the love of God, not because they fear Him or hell, or hope for bounty or heaven.. When a man falls in love with a human being, it is impossible for him to keep from mentioning the name of his beloved. How much more difficult is it to keep from mentioning the Name of God when one has come to love Him.. The spiritual man finds no delight in anything save in commemoration of God. (from notes of Miss Alma Robertson and other pilgrims, November and December 19).