The Prophet as Physician In the Western world of today there is evident a remarkable revival of belief in the efficacy of healing by mental and spiritual means. Indeed many, in their revolt against the materialistic ideals about disease and its treatment which prevailed in the nineteenth century, have gone to the opposite extreme of denying that material remedies or hygienic methods have any value whatsoever. Baha'u'llah recognizes the value of both material and spiritual remedies. He teaches that the science and art of healing must be developed, encouraged and perfected, so that all means of healing may be used to the best advantage, each in its appropriate sphere. When members of Baha'u'llah's own family were sick, a professional physician was called in, and this practice is recommended to His followers. He says: "Should ye be attacked by illness or disease, consult skillful physicians." - Kitab-i-Aqdas. (71:1) This is quite in accordance with the Baha'i attitude towards science and art generally. All sciences and arts which are for the benefit of mankind, even in a material way, are to be esteemed and promoted. Through science man becomes the master of material things; through ignorance he remains their slave. (71:2) Baha'u'llah writes: Do not neglect medical treatment when it is necessary, but leave it off when health has been restored. Treat disease through diet, by preference, refraining from the use of drugs; and if you find what is required in a single herb, do not resort to a compound medicament.. Abstain from drugs when the health is good, but administer them when necessary. - Tablet to a Physician (71:3) In one of His Tablets 'Abdu'l-Baha says: O seeker after truth! There are two ways of healing sickness, material means and spiritual means. The first way is through the use of material remedies. The second consists in praying to God and in turning to Him. Both means should be used and practiced.. Moreover, they are not incompatible, and you should accept the physical remedies as coming from the mercy and favor of God Who has revealed and made manifest medical knowledge, so that His servants may profit by this kind of treatment also. (71:4) He teaches that, were our natural tastes and instincts not vitiated by foolish and unnatural modes of living, they would become reliable guides in the choice both of appropriate diet and of medicinal fruits, herbs and other remedies, as is the case with wild animals. In an interesting talk on healing, recorded in Some Answered Questions (p. 298), He says in conclusion: (71:5) It is therefore evident that it is possible to cure by foods, aliments, and fruits; but as to-day the science of medicine is imperfect, this fact is not yet fully grasped. When the science of medicine reaches perfection, treatment will be given by foods, aliments, fragrant fruits, and vegetables, and by various waters, hot and cold in temperature. (71:6) Even when the means of healing are material, the power that heals is really Divine, for the attributes of the herb of mineral are from the Divine Bestowals. "All depends upon God. Medicine is merely an outward form or means by which we obtain heavenly healing." (72:1) Healing by Nonmaterial Means Much more powerful effects result from the patient's own mental states, and "suggestion" may play an important part in determining these states. Fear, anger, worry, et cetera, are very prejudicial to health, while hope, love, joy, et cetera, are correspondingly beneficial. (72:4) Thus Baha'u'llah says: Verily the most necessary thing is contentment under all circumstances; by this one is preserved from morbid conditions and lassitude. Yield not to grief and sorrow: they cause the greatest misery. Jealousy consumeth the body and anger doth burn the liver: avoid these two as you would a lion. - Tablet to a Physician. (72:5) And 'Abdu'l-Baha says: "Joy gives us wings. In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener.. But when sadness visits us our strength leaves us." (72:6) Of another form of mental healing 'Abdu'l-Baha writes that it results: All these methods of healing, however, are limited in their effects, and may fail to effect a cure in severe maladies.