TABLET OF THE WORLD (172:2) In My Name, The Speaker in the Kingdom of Bayan! (172:3) Praise and glorification behoveth the manifest King who hath adorned the Strong Prison with the presence of his holiness 'Ali-Kabli-Akbar and his holiness Ameen, and ornamented it with the lights of assurance, steadfastness and tranquillity. The Glory of God and the glory of all in the heaven and earth be upon both of them! (172:4) Light and glory, greeting and praise be upon the hands of His Cause, through whom the light of long-suffering hath shone forth, and the declaration of authority is proven of God, the powerful, the mighty, the independent; and through whom the sea of bestowal hath moved, and the breeze of the favor of God, the Lord of mankind, hath wafted. We beg of Him -- Exalted is He -- to protect them through His hosts, to guard them by His dominion, and to assist them by His power which hath conquered all things. The dominion belongs to God, the Maker of Heaven, and the King of the Kingdom of Names!