THE GREAT MESSAGE commands: (172:6) O ye people of Iran! Ye have been the day springs of mercy and the dawning-places of compassion and love; and the regions of existence have been illuminated and adorned with the light of your knowledge and wisdom. How is it that you have arisen to destroy yourselves and your friends with your own hands? (172:7) O my Afnan! Upon thee be my Baha and favor! The tent of the Divine Cause is great; it shall envelop all the nations of the world. The day is your day, and a thousand Tablets are your evidence. Arise to assist the Cause, and be engaged in subduing the minds and souls of the people of the world through the host of utterance. You must show forth that which will be conducive to the welfare and tranquillity of the helpless ones of the world Gird up the loins of effort; perchance the slaves may be emancipated from bondage and find freedom. In this day, the cry of justice is raised and the lamentation of equity is heard. The dark smoke of oppression hath enveloped the world and nations. Through the motion of the Supreme Pen a new life of significances is breathed into the body of words by the command of the ideal commander, and the effects thereof are visible and manifest in all the things of the world. This is the most great glad-tidings which hath flowed from the Pen of this oppressed One. (172:8) Say: O friends! Why fear, and whom shall ye dread? These clay-pieces of the world shall be disintegrated by a slight moisture. Your union itself will be conducive to scattering superstitious souls. Strife and conflict are characteristic of the ferocious beasts of the earth. By the assistance of God, the sharp swords of the Babi community have been returned to the scabbards through good words and pleasing deeds. The righteous have always, through good words, taken possession of the gardens of existence. (173:1) Say: O friends! Do not forsake wisdom. Hearken to the exhortations of the Supreme Pen with the ear of intelligence. No one of all the people of the world should suffer harm from your hands or tongues. (173:2) Concerning the Land of Ta we have revealed in the Book of Aqdas that which is conducive to warning all in the world. The unjust ones of the world have usurped the rights of nations, and are with all power and strength occupied with their own lustful desires. The tyrant of the land of Ya wrought that wherefore the eyes of the Supreme Concourse shed tears of blood. (173:3) O thou who art drinking the choice wine of My utterance and gazing toward the horizon of My Manifestation! How is it that the people of Iran, notwithstanding their precedence in sciences and arts, are now found to be the lowest among all the peoples of the world? O people! In this blessed, brilliant day, deprive not yourselves of the bounties of the bounteous One. In this day, the rains of wisdom and utterance are descending from the clouds of mercy of the merciful One. Blessed is he who renders justice in the matter, and woe unto those who are unjust! (173:4) In this day every knowing one testifies that the utterances, which are revealed from the Pen of this oppressed One, are the greatest cause for the elevation of the world and the development of nations. Say: O people! Arise to assist yourselves through the heavenly power, that perchance the earth may be purified and purged from the idols of superstitions and imaginations which are, forsooth, the cause of the failure and humiliation of the helpless people. These idols intervene and withhold the people from progress and loftiness. It is hoped that the hand of power will assist, and will deliver the creatures from the great baseness. (174:1) It is revealed in one of the Tablets: "O people of God! Be not occupied with yourselves. Be intent on the betterment of the world and the training of nations." The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and excellent deeds and well- approved and agreeable conduct. The helper of the Cause is deeds and its assistant is good character. O people of Baha! Hold fast unto piety! This is that which is commanded by this oppressed One and chosen by the potent One. (174:2) O friends! in this soul-refreshing springtime, it behoveth you to be refreshed and verdant through the Divine vernal shower. A great sun has diffused its rays and the cloud of mercy is overspread. Successful is he who did not make himself portionless, and recognized the Friend in this garment. (174:3) Say: The Ahrimans are lurking in ambush: be ye aware and deliver yourselves from every darkness through the light of the name of the discerning One. Have ye regard for the world, and not for yourselves. Ahrimans are such souls as intervene and interpose between men and exaltation and loftiness in their positions. In this day, it is incumbent and obligatory upon all to adhere to that which is conducive to the progress and elevation of the just government and people. In every one of the Verses, the Supreme Pen hath opened doors of love and union. We have said -- and Our saying is truth -- "Consort with all the people of religions with joy and fragrance." Through this utterance, whatever was the cause of foreignness, discord and disunion has been removed. (174:4) Concerning the progress of existence and the development of men We have revealed that which is the greatest door to the training of the people of the world. All that hath been formerly revealed from the tongue or pen of the people of the past, the king thereof is indeed revealed in this Most Great Manifestation from the heaven of will of the Lord of pre-existence. In former ages it has been said: "To love one's native land is faith." But the Tongue of grandeur hath said in the day of this Manifestation: "Glory is not his who loves his native land; but glory is his who loves his kind." By these exalted words He taught the birds of souls a new flight and effaced restriction and blind imitation from the Book. This oppressed One hath forbidden the people of God to engage in strife and conflict, and summoned them to good deeds, and to spiritual and pleasing morals. In this day the hosts which assist the Cause are good deeds and good morals. Blessed are they who adhere thereto, and woe unto those who reject them! (175:1) O people of God! I exhort you to courtesy. Courtesy is, in the primary station, the lord of all virtues. Blessed is he who is illumined with the light of courtesy, and is adorned with the mantle of uprightness! He who is endowed with courtesy is endowed with a great station. It is hoped that this oppressed One, and all, will attain to it, adhere to it, hold unto it, and observe it. This is the irrefutable command which hath flowed and is revealed from the Pen of the Greatest Name. (175:2) This day is a day wherein the gems of steadfastness must appear from the mine of man. O people of justice! Ye must be luminous like unto light, and be ablaze as the fire of the Sinaitic tree. This fire of love will assemble all the different peoples in one court; but the fire of animosity is the cause of disunion and conflict. We beg of God to protect His servants from the evil of His enemies. Verily, He is powerful in all things! (175:3) Praise be to God! The true One exalted is His glory! -- hath opened the doors of the minds and souls through the key of the Supreme Pen. Every one of the revealed Verses is a manifest door to the appearance of spiritual virtues and holy deeds. This voice and this utterance is not particularized to one country or one city. The people of the world in general must adhere to that which is revealed and hath appeared, so that they may attain to the real freedom. The world is illuminated with the lights of the orb of Manifestation; for in the "year sixty" (1844) the Precursor -- may the lives of all else save Him be a sacrifice to Him! -- announced the glad-tidings of the new life, and in the "year eighty" (1863) the world attained to the new light and the wonderful life. Now most of the people of the lands are prepared to hearken unto the exalted Word, upon which depends and is based the resuscitation and resurrection of all. (175:4) In the Prison, 'Akka, We have revealed in the Red Epistle that which is conducive to the elevation of men and to the cultivation of countries. Among others, these utterances have been revealed therein, from the Pen of the King of existence. (176:1) The greatest foundations upon which depends the administration of people are the following: (176:2) First: The ministers of the House of Justice must promote the Most Great Peace, in order that the world may be freed from onerous expenditures. This matter is obligatory and indispensable; for warfare and conflict are the foundation of trouble and distress. (176:3) Second: Languages must be reduced to one, and that one language must be taught in all the schools of the world. (176:4) Third: All must adhere to the means which is conducive to love and unity. (176:5) Fourth: Men and women must place a part of what they earn by trade, agriculture or other business, in charge of a trustworthy person, to be spent in the education and instruction of the children. That deposit must be invested in the education of the children, under the advice of the trustees of the House of Justice. (176:6) Fifth: Complete regard should be had to the matter of agriculture. Although this matter is mentioned in the fifth, yet in reality it is endowed with the first station. Agriculture is greatly developed in foreign countries, but in Iran it has still remained unheeded. It is hoped that the Shah -- May God assist him! -- will concern himself with this great and important matter. (176:7) To resume: Were they to adhere to that which has been revealed by the Supreme Pen in the Red Epistle, they shall find themselves independent of all the laws of the world. Certain utterances have repeatedly poured forth from the Supreme Pen, that perchance the day springs of power and dawning-places of the Divine might may, sometime, be enabled to enforce them. Were seekers to be found, all that hath appeared from the absolute penetrative Will would be declared sincerely to please God; but where is the seeker, where is the inquirer, where is the just one? Now, every day, a fire of oppression is ablaze, and a sword of bloodshed is unsheathed. Praise be to God! The grandees of Iran and the high nobility glory in savage qualities. "Such stories add astonishment to astonishment!" (177:1) This oppressed One is night and day engaged in thanking and praising the Lord of mankind, for it is witnessed that Our exhortations and advice have produced effect, and the conduct and manners of this community have attained to the rank of God's acceptance; because an event has occurred which is the means of illumining the eyes of all in the world: it is this, that the friends have interceded for the enemies before the princes and rulers. Good deeds bear witness to the truth of words. It is hoped that the righteous will illuminate the world through the light of deeds. I beg of God exalted and blessed is He! -- to enable all, in His days, to be steadfast in His love and in His Cause. Verily, He is the friend of the sincere and of those who practice! (177:2) O people of God! The Supreme Pen hath caused worlds to appear and hath bestowed ideal light on the eyes. But most of the people in Iran have ever been bereft of profitable utterances and holy sciences and arts. (177:3) In the preceding day, this exalted word was especially revealed for one of the friends from the Supreme Pen, that perchance the people of denial may attain unto faith, and penetrate the intricacies of fundamental divine matters, and be thereby admonished. The deniers and contradictors hold to four words: Now, by the grace and authority of the Word of God, these four great barriers have been demolished. These four manifest decrees have been effaced from the Book, and God hath changed brutal manners into spiritual qualities. Glorified is His will! Exalted is His power! Great is His dominion! (178:1) Now, beg ye of God -- exalted is His Glory! -- and We beg of Him also to guide the Shiite community and to deliver them from unworthy attributes. In every day the tongue of every individual of that community uttereth many a curse; and the word "Mal'oon," pronounced with guttural "o," is one of their daily foods. (178:2) O my God! O my God! Thou hearest the cry of Thy Baha and His lamentation in days and nights; and Thou knowest that, verily, He hath not desired aught for Himself, but hath desired to sanctify the souls of Thy servants and deliver them from the fire of hatred and animosity, which surrounds them at all times. O my Lord! The hands of the chosen ones are, verily, stretched toward the heaven of Thy bounty, and those of the sincere ones toward the firmament of Thy Bestowal. I beg of Thee not to disappoint them in that which they have desired from the sea of Thy gift, from the heaven of Thy grace, and from the sun of Thy generosity. O my Lord! Strengthen them in such virtues, whereby their stations may be exalted among nations. Verily, Thou art the powerful, the mighty, the bestower! (178:3) O people of God! Hearken unto that, the hearing of which is conducive to the deliverance, tranquillity, security, exaltation and loftiness of all men in general! (178:4) Certain laws and principles are necessary and indispensable for Iran; but it is suitable that these should be accomplished in accord with the wish of His Majesty the Shah -- May God assist him! -- the eminent doctors and the great state authorities. Under their advice a place must be appointed, and they must assemble together in that place, and hold fast to the rope of consultation, and decide upon and execute that which is conducive to the people's security, affluence, welfare and tranquillity. For, if this matter be managed otherwise, it would lead to discord and tumult. In the principal laws and commandments which have, ere this, been revealed in the Book of Aqdas and other Tablets affairs have been placed in charge of just kings and chiefs, and of the trustees of the House of Justice. Upon reflection, men of equity and discernment will witness, with outward and inward eyes, the effulgence of the orb of justice in all that We have revealed. At present that form of government followed by the British nation seems good; for that nation is illuminated both with the light of kingdom and consultation. (178:5) In Our laws and principles a chapter has been devoted to the law of retaliation which is the cause of the protection and preservation of people; but the people's dread of that law withholds them only outwardly from committing base and unseemly deeds. But that which prevents and guards men both outwardly and inwardly from base deeds is the fear of God. (179:1) The fear of God is the real guardian and the ideal protector. Men must adhere and hold fast unto that which is conducive to the appearance of this great gift. Blessed is he who hearkens unto what My Supreme Pen hath uttered, and acts in accord with that which is commanded on the part of the ancient commander. (179:2) O people of God! Hearken unto the exhortations of the unique Friend with the ear of the soul. The Word of God is like unto a tree: its planting-ground must be the hearts of the people- cultivate it through the kawther of wisdom and utterance, so that its roots may become firm, and its branches surpass the firmament. (179:3) O ye people of the world! The virtue of this Most Great Manifestation is that We have effaced from the Book whatever was the cause of difference, corruption and discord, and recorded therein that which leads to unity, harmony and accord. Joy unto those who practice! (179:4) We have repeatedly exhorted the friends to avoid, nay, to flee from that which is redolent of sedition. The world is in confusion, and the opinions of men are discordant. I beg of God to adorn them with the light of His justice, and to make known unto them that which will profit them under all circumstances. Verily, He is the self-sufficient, the most high!... WORDS OF PARADISE (179:5) ...The Word of God, as described and recorded by the Pen of Abha on the First Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (180:1) Truly, I say, the fear of God hath ever been the perspicuous protection and solid fortress for the whole community of the world. It is the greatest means for the protection of mankind, and the chief cause of the preservation of humanity. Yea, there exists a sign in the being of man which guards and protects him from that which is unworthy and unbecoming. That sign is called modesty. But this virtue is assigned to a few; for all are not endowed with this station. (180:2) The Word of God in the Second Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (180:3) At this moment the Supreme Pen exhorts the day springs of power and dawning-places of authority, to-wit: kings, rulers, chiefs, princes, learned men and mystics, and commands them to hold fast to religion. Religion is the greatest instrument for the order of the world and the tranquillity of all existent beings. The weakness of the pillars of religion has encouraged the ignorant and rendered them audacious and arrogant. Truly, I say, whatever lowers the lofty station of religion will increase heedlessness in the wicked, and finally result in anarchy. Hear, O ye possessors of perception! Then be admonished, O ye endowed with sight! (180:4) The Word of God in the Third Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (180:5) O Son of Man! If thou lookest toward mercy, regard not that which benefits thee, and hold to that which will benefit the servants. If thou lookest toward justice, choose thou for others what thou choosest for thyself. Verily, through meekness, man is elevated to the heaven of power; and again, pride degrades him to the lowest station of humiliation and abasement. O people of God! The day is great, and the call is mighty! In one of the Tablets this exalted Word is revealed from the heaven of Will: "Were the power of the soul entirely transformed into the sense of hearing, then it could be said that it were able to hear this Call which is raised from the Supreme Horizon, otherwise these polluted ears are not worthy to hear it." Blessed are those who hear, and woe unto them who are heedless! (180:6) The Word of God in the Fourth Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (180:7) O people of God! -- Exalted is His Glory! -- Ask God to guard the sources of power and authority against the evil of egotism and lust, and to illumine them with the lights of justice and guidance. Two abominable deeds proceeded from His Highness Muhammad Shah, notwithstanding the loftiness of his position. One was the exile of the King of the dominions of bounty and grace, His Holiness the First Point; the second was the murder of the lord of the city of counsel and of belles lettres. In brief, his error and bounty were great. (181:1) A king whom the pride of authority and independence does not withhold from being just, and whom benefits, opulence, glory, hosts and legions do not deprive of the splendors of the orb of equity -- such a king shall possess a lofty station and an exalted rank in the Supreme Concourse: it is incumbent on all to assist and love such a blessed being. Blessed is the ruler who controls the reins of the ego, and overcomes his wrath; who prefers justice to oppression and equity to tyranny! (181:2) The Word of God in the Fifth Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (181:3) The greatest gift and the highest blessing, in the primary station, is wisdom. It is the protector of existence, and its support and helper. Wisdom is the messenger of the merciful One, and the Manifestor of the Name, the "All-Wise." Through wisdom the station of man is evident and manifest. It is the knower and the first teacher in the school of existence, and it is the guide, the possessor of a lofty rank. Under the auspices of its training the element earth was endowed with pure soul and surpassed the firmament. Wisdom is the first orator in the city of justice; and in the "year nine" (1853) it illuminated the world with the glad-tidings of the Manifestation. Wisdom is the peerless wise one who in the beginning of the world, ascended the ladder of significances and when, by the Divine will, it occupied the pulpit of utterance it spoke in two words. From the first word appeared the glad-tidings of promise, and from the second the fear of threat. From promise and threat, fear and hope became manifest, and by these two the foundation of the order of the world was established and consolidated. Exalted is the Wise One, the possessor of great bounty! (181:4) The Word of God in the Sixth Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (181:5) The light of men is justice; quench it not with the contrary winds of oppression and tyranny. The purpose of justice is the appearance of unity among people. In this exalted Word, the sea of God's wisdom is moving: all the books of the world are not sufficient to contain its interpretation. (182:1) If the world is adorned with this mantle, the sun of the saying -- "On that day God will satisfy them all with His abundance" -- will appear and shine from the horizon of the heaven of the world. Know ye the station of this utterance, for it is from the loftiest fruits of the tree of the Supreme Pen. Happy is he who heareth and attaineth! (182:2) Truly, I say, all that has descended from the heaven of the Divine Will is conducive to the order of the world, and to the furtherance of unity and harmony among its people. Thus hath the tongue of this wronged One spoken in His Great Prison! (182:3) The Word of God in the Seventh Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (182:4) O ye wise men among nations! Turn your eyes away from foreignness and gaze unto oneness, and hold fast unto the means which conduce to the tranquillity and security of the people of the whole world. This span-wide world is but one native land and one locality. Abandon that glory which is the cause of discord, and turn unto that which promotes harmony. To the people of Baha glory is in knowledge, good deeds, good morals and wisdom -- not in native land, or station. O people of the earth; appreciate the worth of this heavenly Word, for it is like unto a ship for the sea of knowledge, and is as the sun to the universe of perception. (182:5) The Word of God in the Eighth Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (182:6) Schools must first train the children in the principles of religion, so that the Promise and the Threat, recorded in the Books of God, may prevent them from the things forbidden and adorn them with the mantle of the commandments: But this in such a measure that it may not injure the children by resulting in ignorant fanaticism and bigotry. (182:7) It is incumbent upon the Trustees of the House of Justice to take counsel together regarding such laws as have not been expressly revealed in the Book. Of these whatever they deem advisable and proper that must they enforce. Verily, God will inspire them with that which He willeth, and He is the ruler, the knower! We have formerly declared that speech was decreed to be in two languages, and that there should be an effort to reduce it into one. So, likewise, should it be with the writings of the world, in order that people may not waste and lavish their lives in the study of various languages, and that the whole earth may be considered as one city and one land. (182:8) The Word of God in the Ninth Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (183:1) Truly I say: Moderation is desirable in every affair, and when it is exceeded it leads to detriment. Consider the civilization of the people of the Occident -- how it has occasioned commotion and agitation to the people of the world. There has appeared an infernal instrument, and such atrocity is displayed in the destruction of life, the like of which was not seen by the eye of the world, nor heard by the ears of nations. It is impossible to reform these violent, overwhelming evils, except the peoples of the world be come united in affairs, or in one religion. Hearken ye unto the voice of this oppressed One, and adhere to the Most Great Peace! (183:2) A strange and wonderful instrument exists in the earth; but it is concealed from minds and souls. It is an instrument which has the power to change the atmosphere of the whole earth, and its infection causes destruction. (183:3) Praise be to God! A wonderful thing is perceived: the lightning and similar forces are subdued by a conductor, and act by his command. Exalted is the mighty One who hath made manifest that which He desired, through His absolute, invincible command! (183:4) O people of Baha! Each one of the revealed commands is a strong fortress for the protection of the world. Verily, this oppressed One only wishes your security and elevation. (183:5) We exhort the men of the House of Justice, and command them to guard and protect the servants, maid-servants and children. They must, under all circumstances have regard for the interests of the servants. Blessed is the prince who succors a captive, the rich one who favors the needy, the just man who secures the right of a wronged one from the oppressor, and the trustee who performs what he is commanded on the part of the Pre-existent Commander! (183:6) O Haydar-Kabli-'Ali! Upon thee be my Baha and praise! My commands and exhortations have encompassed the world; nevertheless they have caused sorrows, not joy and happiness: because some of those who pretend to love Me have arisen in oppression, and inflicted that which was not wrought by even the former nations, nor by the Iranian doctors of religion. We have formerly said: "My imprisonment is not My affliction, nor is it what I have suffered from Mine enemies, but rather the deeds done by My friends who have related themselves to My Person, and commit that whereby My heart and My pen lament." (184:1) We have repeatedly revealed similar utterances, but they have not profited the heedless ones, for they are found to be captives to egotism and lust. Ask thou God to enable all of them to repent and return. As long as the ego is subject to carnal desires, sin and error continue. It is hoped that the hand of the Divine mercy, and the blessings of the compassionate One may assist them all, and adorn them with the garment of forgiveness and favor; and that He may also guard them from that which impairs His Cause among His servants. Verily, He is the powerful, the mighty, and He is the forgiving, the merciful! (184:2) The Word of God in the Tenth Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (184:3) O people of the earth! A solitary life and severe discipline do not meet God's approval. The possessors of perception and knowledge should look unto the means which are conducive to joy and fragrance. Such practices come forth and proceed from the loins of superstition and the womb of fancy, and are not worthy the people of knowledge. Some of the people of the past and of later times dwelt in mountain caves, and others frequented the tombs during the night. Say: Hearken to the advice of this oppressed One. Abandon that which ye hold, and adhere unto what the trustworthy counsellor commands. Deprive not yourselves of that which is created for you. (184:4) Charity is beloved and acceptable before God, and is accounted the chief among all good deeds. Consider, and then remember that which the merciful One has revealed in the Qur'an: "But they prefer the poor before themselves, although there be indigence among them. He who is preserved from the covetousness of his own soul, such shall surely prosper." Indeed, this blessed Word is, in this connection, a sun among words: Blessed is he who prefers his brother before himself: Such an one is of the people of Baha, in the Red Ark, on the part of God, the Knower, the Wise! The Word of God in the Eleventh Leaf of the Exalted Paradise: (184:5) We command the appearance of names and attributes to adhere henceforth unto that which has been revealed in this Most Great Manifestation, and not to become a cause of discord, and to look unto the horizon of this luminous Word, as revealed in this Epistle, unto the end beyond which there is no end. Discord is the cause of bloodshed and entails revolution among the servants. Hearken to the Voice of this wronged One, and depart not therefrom. (185:1) If one ponders over that which is revealed in this Manifestation from the Supreme Pen, he will know for a certainty that, in all that this wronged One hath spoken, He has had no intention to establish any position or rank for Himself. But it has been Our aim to uplift men through exalted Words unto the Supreme Horizon, and prepare them to hearken unto that which conduces to the sanctifying and purifying of the people of the world from the strife and discord which result from differences in religions. Whereunto My heart and My pen, My manifest and My hidden being bear witness. God willing, they all will turn unto the treasuries which are deposited within themselves. (185:2) O people of Baha! The reflective faculty is the depository of crafts, arts and sciences. Exert yourselves, so that the gems of knowledge and wisdom may proceed from this ideal mine, and conduce to the tranquillity and union and of the different nations of the world. (185:3) Under all circumstances -- whether in adversity or comfort, in glory or affliction -- this wronged One has commanded all to show forth love and affection, compassion and union. Whenever any exaltation and loftiness appeared, those hidden behind coverings would come forth and speak calumniating words which were sharper than a sword. They cling to false and rejected words, and are deprived and withheld from the sea of the Divine verses. If such coverings had not intervened Iran would have been subdued by the Divine utterance in hardly more than two years, the position of both the State and the people would have become exalted, and the intended aim would have appeared in its fullest manifestation without concealment or covering. (185:4) In brief, We have said all that was necessary to be said, formerly by allusion, and recently in explicit words. And after Persia had been reformed, then the fragrances of the Word would have been diffused in other countries. For all that has flowed from the Supreme Pen has been and is conducive to the elevation, exaltation and training of all the people of the world, and is the greatest antidote for all diseases -- were they to understand and perceive....