THE FOURTH TAJALLI (190:1) concerns the declaration of divinity, lordship, and similar statements. Were one endowed with perception to gaze upon this evident, blessed Tree, and upon its fruits, he would verily become independent of all else save It, and would acknowledge that which the speaker of the mount hath uttered on the throne of Manifestation. (190:2) O 'Ali-Kabli-Akbar! Speak unto people concerning the signs of thy Lord, and make known unto them His right path and His great Message. Say: O servants! If ye are the people of justice and equity, ye will confess all that has flowed from the Supreme Pen. If ye are of the people of Bayan, the Persian Bayan will guide you and suffice you, and, if ye are of the people of El-Forkan, reflect upon the "Splendor" and the "Voice" revealed in the Sinaitic Tree for the Son of Imran. (190:3) Praise be to God! It was supposed that at the manifestation of God knowledge had waxed perfect and mature, and had reached the furthermost end. Now it has become evident that knowledge has decreased among the deniers, and has remained immature. (190:4) O 'Ali! They refuse to accept from the Tree of being that which they accepted from the Tree of Sinai! Say: O people of Bayan! Speak not after the self and desire! Most of the peoples of the world confess the blessed Word which has proceeded from the Tree. By the life of God, were it not for the mention of "Divinity" made by the Precursor (the Bab), this oppressed One would not have spoken in that which is the cause of distraction and destruction of the ignorant. (190:5) In the beginning of the Bayan, He says in description of "He- whom-God-shall-manifest": "Verily, He is the One who shall utter in all grades -- 'Verily, I am God. There is no God but Me, the Lord of all things, and all besides Me is created by Me! O ye, My creatures! Ye are to worship Me.' " Likewise, in another place, in speaking of "He-whom-God-shall-manifest," He says: "Verily, I am the first one of those who worship Him." (190:6) Now, man must reflect upon the "Worshipper," and the "Worshipped One": perchance the people of the earth may attain to a drop of the sea of knowledge, and comprehend the station of this manifestation. Verily, He hath appeared, and hath spoken in truth. Blessed is he who confesses and acknowledges, and woe unto every remote denier!