Baha'i World Faith Sect 1 - Bahá'u'lláh
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The pious practices of the monks and priests among the people of His Holiness the Spirit -- upon Him is the peace of God and His glory! -- are remembered before God; but, in this day, they must abandon solitude for open places, and engage in that which may profit both themselves and other men. We have conferred permission on them all to engage in matrimony, so that there may appear from them those who may celebrate the praise of God, the Lord of the seen and unseen and the Lord of the lofty throne! (193:6)

THE NINTH GLAD-tidings: (193:7)

The sinner, when in a state wherein he finds himself free and severed from all else save God, must beg for forgiveness and pardon. It is not allowable to declare one's sins and transgressions before any man, inasmuch as this has not been, nor is, conducive to securing God's forgiveness and pardon. At the same time such confession before the creatures leads to one's humiliation and abasement, and God exalted in His glory! -- does not wish for the humiliation of His servants. Verily He is compassionate and beneficent! (193:8)

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