THE NINTH ISHRAQ: (201:2) The religion of God and the creed of God hath been revealed and made manifest from the heaven of the will of the king of pre-existence for the sake of union and harmony among the people of the world; make it not a means for disagreement and discord! (201:3) The religion of God and His law is the greatest cause and mightiest means for the appearance and effulgence of the orb of unity. The development of the world, the training of nations, the tranquillity of the servants and the security of the people of all lands have been due to the divine precepts and ordinances. Religion is the greatest cause for the appearance of this great gift. It bestows the cup of vitality, confers immortal life and imparts eternal benefit to the people. The rulers of the earth, especially the trustees of the House of Justice, must make abundant effort to preserve this station and guard and promote it. Likewise it is necessary that they should inquire into the conditions of the subjects and be acquainted with the deeds and affairs of every one in the communities. (201:4) We ask the manifestors of the divine power, that is, kings and leaders, to endeavor, perchance discord may vanish and the world be illumined with the light of accord. All must adhere to and practice that which hath been revealed from the Supreme Pen. The true One testifies and the atoms of the universe bear witness that We have spoken and revealed in Tablets and Epistles from the Supreme Pen that which is conducive to the exaltation, elevation. training, protection and progress of the people of the earth. We beg of God to strengthen the servants. What this oppressed One requires of all is justice and equity. Let them not satisfy themselves with mere hearing, but reflect upon that which hath proceeded from this oppressed One. I swear by the sun of divine utterance which hath arisen from the horizon of the kingdom of the clement One, that were there an exponent or speaker to be found We would not have made ourself an object of censure, derision and calumnies on the part of the people. (201:5) Upon Our arrival at 'Iraq, the Cause of God was in a state of inactivity and the fragrances of Revelation had ceased. Most of the believers were found to be withered, nay dead! Therefore, the Trumpet vas sounded "for a second time" and this blessed Word flowed from the Tongue of Grandeur: "We have blown in the trumpet for a second time." Thus We quickened the world with the fragrances of revelation and inspiration! (202:1) Now, from behind every covering, souls have emerged, intent upon persecuting this wronged One. They have obstructed the flowing of this mighty benefit and have rejected it! (202:2) O people of justice! If this matter were to be denied, what matter in this earth can be worthy of demonstration, or deserves to be acknowledged? The contradictors are collecting the verses of this Manifestation, and with whomsoever they have found them, have seized them by the means of showing love. With every sect, they account themselves of the same sect! Say, die ye in your wrath; verily, He hath come with a matter which no possessor of sight, bearing, perspicacity, justice and equity can deny. Whereunto testifieth the Pen of pre-existence at this manifest time! (202:3) O Jalal! Upon thee be My glory! We commend the friends of the true One to good deeds; perchance they may succeed and act in accord with that which hath been revealed from the heaven of command. The benefit of the utterance of the merciful One goes to those who practice. We beg of God to strengthen them in that which He loveth and approveth, to enable them to act with justice and equity in this irrefutable command, to make known unto them His signs and to direct them unto His right path. (202:4) His Holiness. the Precursor (the BAB) -- May the lives of all else save Him be a sacrifice to Him! -- hath revealed Ordinances but the world of Command hath been made dependent upon Our acceptance. This wronged One has, therefore, enforced some of them and revealed them in a different text, in the Book of Aqdas while We have not adopted some others. The matter is in His hand. He doeth whatsoever He willeth and ordereth whatsoever He desireth, and He is the mighty, the praised One! (202:5) Some other commandments have been also revealed in the style of prayer Blessed are those who attain! Blessed are those who