Europe in consequence has never been tranquil.. but rather full of oppression.. The cause of Religion has been supported by the most flagrant breaches of Gospel ethics.. 'Abdul-Baha comments..: "Nine hundred thousand martyrs to the protestant cause was the record of conflict.. (with) the catholics.." (55:1) another divergence between the attitude of the Church and that of all progressives.. grew steadily more wide. The Church objected to that nation-building which had been the main contribution of Muhammad to human history and which was to be as important to the building of Western civilization as it had been to Islam. (55:4) The interests of Church and State were never harmoniously Combined in Christian history as they had been by Muhammad. Four types of relationship have been essayed. First, that of Rome in which the Church is above the State; second, that of Prussia in which the State is above the Church; third, that of England in which Church and State exist side by side.. and lastly, that adopted in the United States.. where Church is regarded simply as a voluntary association of individuals and has no official relation to the nation at all..