Some Advice (3:1) Thou didst ask as to acquiring knowledge: read thou the Books and Tablets of God, and the articles written to demonstrate the truth of this Faith. [sab 190:5] (3:2) see If their task is to be confined to good conduct and advice, nothing will be accomplished. They must speak out, expound the proofs, set forth clear arguments, draw irrefutable conclusions establishing the truth of the manifestation of the Sun of Reality. [sab 268:1] (3:3) see The teacher, when teaching, must be himself fully enkindled, so that his utterance, like unto a flame of fire, may exert influence and consume the veil of self and passion. [sab 270:1] (3:4) see Shoghi Effendi.. valuable work for the Bahá'í Cause can be done within the Christian Churches by promoting the "Christianity of Christ".. [Unfolding Destiny, p. 421] (3:5) He is happy that the children are being attracted. They are the pillars of the future, and should be trained and encouraged in every way.. [Messages to Alaska, no.102, p. 72] (3:6) That the divers communions of the earth, and the manifold systems of religious belief, should never be allowed to foster the feelings of animosity among men, is, in this Day, of the essence of the Faith of God and His Religion. [esw 13:3]