Directives of Guardian
Shoghi Effendi
Page 39 of  87

104 INHERITANCE (Division of)
"To divide the inheritance as it is prescribed by Baha'u'llah we have to divide it into 2,520 shares. But we can also divide it into 42 shares. Then every one of the beneficiaries will take so many of these shares. These numbers form like a highest denominator for the different fractions which represent the shares of the different individuals that will benefit in case of intestacy. In case of the non- existence of one class of inheritors the Aqdas mentions how it should be divided. As a general rule a part goes to the House of Justice, a part to the children." (39:3)

105 INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE (Whole question of)
"Regarding the whole question of an International Language and its relation to the Faith: We, as Baha'is, are very anxious to see a universal auxiliary tongue adopted as soon as possible; we are not the protagonists of any one language to fill this post. If the governments of the world agree on an existing language, or a constructed, new tongue, to be used internationally, we would heartily support it because we desire to see this step in the unification of the human race take place as soon as possible. (39:4)

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