Directives of Guardian - Shoghi Effendi
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204 TEACHING (In South)
"Regarding the whole manner of teaching the Faith in the South; the Guardian feels that, although the greatest consideration should be shown the feelings of white people in the South whom we are teaching, under no circumstances should we discriminate in their favour, consider them more valuable to the Cause than their Negro fellow- southerners, or single them out to be taught the Message first. To pursue such a policy, however necessary and even desirable it may superficially seem, would be to compromise the true spirit of our Faith, which permits us to make no such distinctions in offering its tenets to the world. The Negro and white races should be offered, simultaneously, on a basis of equality, the Message of Baha'u'llah. Rich or poor, known or unknown, should be permitted to hear of this Holy Faith in this, humanity's greatest hour of need. (77:2)

"This does not mean that we should go against the laws of the State, pursue a radical course which will stir up trouble, and cause misunderstanding... Even in places where the two races can meet together in the South, he feels it would be, in certain cases, preferable to teach them separately until they are fully confirmed and then bring them together..." (77:3)

"The same thing is true of teaching methods; no system, for teachers to practice, exists. But obviously the more people know about the teachings and the Cause, the better they will be to present the subject. If some people find that prayer and placing all their trust in God, releases in them a flood of inspiration, they should be left free to pursue this method if it is productive of results. (77:4)

"The inspiration received through meditation is of a nature that one cannot measure or determine. God can inspire into our minds things that we had no previous knowledge of, if He desires to do so. (77:5)

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