2. ABANDONMENT OF ALL PREJUDICE Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning. A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom. A star has the same radiance if it shines from the east or the west. (25:6) All the prophets of God have come to unite the children of men and not to disperse them; to put in action the law of love and not enmity. (25:7) We must banish prejudice. Religious, patriotic, racial prejudices must disappear, for they are the destroyers of human society. (25:8) We must become the cause of the unity of the human race. (25:9) 3. THE ONENESS OF THE WORLD OF HUMANITY In reality all are members of one human family -- children of one Heavenly Father. Humanity may be likened unto the vari-colored flowers of one garden. There is unity in diversity. Each sets off and enhances the other's beauty.