Divine Philosophy - 'Abdu'l-Bahá
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O people, make firm the girdle of endeavor, that perchance religious prejudice may be annulled. For love of God and his servants engage in this great and mighty matter. Religious hatred and rancor is a world-consuming fire, and the quenching thereof most arduous, unless the hand of divine might give men deliverance from this unfruitful calamity. (25:4)

Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning. A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom. A star has the same radiance if it shines from the east or the west. (25:6)

All the prophets of God have come to unite the children of men and not to disperse them; to put in action the law of love and not enmity. (25:7)

We must banish prejudice. Religious, patriotic, racial prejudices must disappear, for they are the destroyers of human society. (25:8)

We must become the cause of the unity of the human race. (25:9)

White doves and gray doves associate with each other in perfect friendship. Man draws imaginary lines on the planet and says, "This is a Frenchman, a Musselman, an Italian!" Upon these differences wars are waged. Men are fighting for the possession of the earth. They fight for that which becomes their graves, their cemeteries, their tombs. (25:10)

In reality all are members of one human family -- children of one Heavenly Father. Humanity may be likened unto the vari-colored flowers of one garden. There is unity in diversity. Each sets off and enhances the other's beauty. (25:12)

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