Divine Philosophy - 'Abdu'l-Bahá
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"One of the veils is literal interpretation. To penetrate the inner significances a mighty effort is needed." (29:3)

When one in reading substitutes the symbolic or spiritual title of the great ones, the human temple fades and only reality remains. (29:4)

The spirit of faith, the beloved, the spiritual ego, the friend, the adored one, the desired one, the rays of the sun of truth, the flame of reality, the radiations of the celestial world, the lord, the nightingale, etc., are all synonyms of the one reality of man. (29:5)

"This," says Abdul Baha, "has been the mission of all the divine messengers -- to make man conscious of his eternal part. (29:6)

"By God, who is the only God and there is no God but he, this servant swears the masters did not come that man should adore them, or worship them or acknowledge their prophethood. Nay, rather, the masters of all time have suffered for none other than this -- the fleshly veils might be rent asunder and reality become manifest. (29:7)

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