Now is the early dawn; ere long the effulgent sun shall rise an station itself in the meridian of its majesty. Then ye shall observe the effects -- then ye shall behold what heavenly illumination has become manifest -- then ye shall comprehend that these are the infinite bestowals of God -- then ye shall realize that this world has become another world and ye shall perceive the divine instructions, universally spread. (38:1) The teachings of His Holiness BAHA'O'LLAH, like unto the spirit, shall penetrate the dead body of the world and like unto an artery shall beat through the heart of the five continents. (38:2) In the Gospels it is written that the Christ said: "I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now! But when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you unto all knowledge." Christ is alluding to a person, because he says, "When he is come, he will not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak." This means by the power of innate knowledge. (38:3) Some Christians claim that the Holy Ghost descended after the resurrection of the Christ and that Christ is alluding to this. But as the Holy Ghost was always with the Christ, is this logical? Again he says, "He will guide you unto truth," he will be better for you than I. He adds, "Until I go, he cannot come." Endeavor to understand the divine words, otherwise difficulties will arise. Had the Jews understood symbology, they would have understood the Christ. The holy books are full of significance and must never be taken literally. Elijah also was expected to come from heaven, and the Christ said, "Elijah is none other than John the Baptist." The reality of John was in the supreme concourse. It is essential to have divine perception in order to see the truth, to hear the call, and obey -- liberating the hearts from all earthly attachment. (38:4) The mountains being shaken before the coming of the messenger means that great peoples -- great as mountains -- are shaken and become transplanted. (38:5) I hope you will be the cause of opening the eyes and exalting the spirits to follow divine direction. Thus you will assist others to walk in the path of the good pleasure of the Lord. Assuredly it is not to eat, nor to sleep, nor to dress, nor to repose on the couch of negligence. Nay, it is to find one's way to eternity an understand the divine signs; to receive wisdom from the Lord of Lords, and to move steadily forward like a great sea. This is my hope for thee.