The Light Shineth in Darkness by -Udo Schaefer- 1 Para

But the Baha'i Faith with all its rationality is more than a dry rationalism, more than a late product of Western "enlightenment." The irrational, what Rudolf Otto called "the numinous," is also its innermost being. The Baha'i Faith is a religion of law, and its revealed laws are "irrational" in that they acquire validity primarily through the Founder's statement, not through their special wisdom and rationality. The recognition that ethics has its ultimate source in revelation and can only be discovered 'from' it, the refusal to admit the possibility of objective value judgments and therefore the rejection of "natural law"-- these are further evidence against.. (his) theme. Nor is it true that the Baha'i Faith is without mystery. The status of 'Abdul-Baha and the short duration the Bab's mission are regarded by the Baha'is as hidden mysteries. (62:2)

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