The Light Shineth in Darkness by -Udo Schaefer- 2 Para

(The theologian).. accused the Baha'is of "helplessness in face of the message of the Cross." In this charge the proverbial 'superbia theologorum'-- the pride of the theologians-- is manifested: anyone who deviates from Protestant dogma, who contradicts the central teachings of Christian theology, is "helpless," i.e. intellectually inadequate, or-- to put it quite clearly- just too stupid to understand these teachings. This favourite trick of Christian apologists, protecting themselves from undesirable criticism by charging the critic with not knowing what Christian faith is and fighting against a caricature, shows an infuriating arrogance: because the critic is not taken seriously, he is made out to be incapable of passing judgment. (76:3)

Here is another sentence on the same level: "The message of the Cross reveals and answers basic problems of human existence that are not even noticed, let alone answered, by the Baha'i prophets. So all those who do not share the Church's doctrine of redemption, all non-Christian religions and philosophies of humanity are not only wrong from the start and in their outcome, but also superficial and without depth. They do not reach the basic questions of human existence; the dimension of depth is only to be found among the Christians. It is hard to find any objectivity in such thinking. (77:1)

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