The Light Shineth in Darkness
Udo Schaefer
One Paragraph the last decades critical theological research has produced results "which are irreconcilable with the Church's teaching positions but remarkably in accord with the teachings of the Baha'i Faith" (Sabet- Heavens Cleft Asunder). In his review (the theologian).. rebuked Sabet by resorting to the pathetic argument that he did not know the facts, even if he had "acquired a smattering of modern theology"-- as if his view were so absurd that it was not worth discussing. But whole sections of traditional Church doctrine have been called into question to such and extent that in Germany, for instance, there is today the threat of a real schism in the Protestant Church. This remarkable fact.. (he) passed over as deliberately as Sabet's quotations from distinguished scholars-- because they did not fit into his scheme of things. Rather than consider 'them', he faulted Sabet on his quoting Karl-Heinz Deschner, instead of going by Martin Luther, and tried to give the impression thereby that Sabet's sole guarantor was Deschner, who is a free-thinker and not a theologian (and so not to be taken seriously). (78:2)

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