The use of narcotics and intoxicants of any kind, except as remedies in case of illness, is strictly forbidden by Baha'u'llah. (102:3) The Baha'i teaching is based on moderation, not on asceticism. Enjoyment of the good and beautiful things of life, both material and spiritual, is not only encouraged but enjoined. Baha'u'llah says: "Deprive not yourselves of that which has been created for you.."'Abdul-Baha says:-- (102:4) "All that has been created is for man.. he must be thankful for the divine bestowals. All material things are for us, so that through our gratitude we may learn to understand life as a divine benefit. If we are disgusted with life we are ingrates, for our material and spiritual existence are the outward evidences of the divine mercy. Therefore we must be happy and spend our time in praises, appreciating all things." (103:1) Asked whether the Baha'i prohibition of gambling applies to games of every description, 'Abdul-Baha replied:-- (103:2) "No, some games are innocent, and if played for pastime there is no harm. But there is a danger that pastime may degenerate into waste of time. Waste of time is not acceptable.. But recreation which may improve the bodily powers, as exercise, is desirable."