In order that the power of spiritual healing may be brought fully into operation.. (109:5) On the part of the patient the prime requisite is, turning with all the heart to God, with implicit trust in His Power and in His Will to do whatever is best.. To an American lady.. 'Abdul-Baha said:- (109:6) "All of these ailments will pass away and you will receive physical health... Let your heart be confident and assured that through the Bounty of Baha'u'llah, through the Favor of Baha'u'llah, everything will become pleasant for you... But you must turn your face wholly towards the Abha Kingdom, giving perfect attention-- the same attention that Mary Magdalene gave to Christ-- and I assure you that you will get physical health and spiritual health. You are worthy. I give you the glad tidings that you are worthy because your heart is pure... Be confident! Be happy! Be rejoiced! Be hopeful!" ('Abdul-Baha) (109:7) "The prayers which were written for the purpose of healing are both for the spiritual and material healing... If healing is best for the patient, surely it will be granted. For some who are sick, healing for them shall be the cause of other ills. Thus it is that Wisdom does not decree the answer to some prayers.." ('Abdul-Baha- Daily Lessons.. at Akka)