"The prayers which were written for the purpose of healing are both for the spiritual and material healing... If healing is best for the patient, surely it will be granted. For some who are sick, healing for them shall be the cause of other ills. Thus it is that Wisdom does not decree the answer to some prayers.." ('Abdul-Baha- Daily Lessons.. at Akka) (110:2) "Verily the Will of God acts sometimes in a way for which mankind is unable to find out the reason. The causes and reasons shall appear. Trust in God and confide in Him, and resign thyself to the Will of God. Verily thy God is affectionate, compassionate and merciful... and will cause His Mercy to descend upon thee." ('Abdul-Baha) (110:4) He teaches that spiritual health is conducive to physical health, but physical health depends upon many things.. The holiest men and women sometimes suffer illness.. (110:5) Nevertheless, the beneficent influence on bodily health which results from a right spiritual attitude is far more potent than is generally imagined.. (111:1) The power of spiritual healing is doubtless common to all mankind in greater or less degree, but.. (some) appear to be endowed with exceptional aptitude for healing. These are the people who ought to make the healing art their lifework. Unfortunately, so materialistic has the world become.. spiritual healing has.. been lost sight of.. When the potentialities of mental and spiritual treatment are more fully realized, the healing art will be transformed.. (111:3) "He who is filled with love for Baha, and forgets all things, the Holy Spirit will be heard from his lips and the spirit of life will fill his heart... Words will issue from his lips in strands of pearls, and all sickness and disease will be healed by the laying on of the hands." ('Abdul-Baha) (112:5) "O thou pure and spiritual one! Turn thou toward God with thy heart beating with His love, devoted to His praise, gazing towards His Kingdom and seeking help from His Holy Spirit in a state of ecstacy, rapture, love, yearning, joy and fragrance. God will assist thee, through a spirit from His Presence, to heal sickness and disease. (112:6) Continue in healing hearts and bodies and seek healing for sick persons by turning unto the Supreme Kingdom and by setting the heart upon obtaining healing through the power of the Greatest Name and by the spirit of the Love of God." ('Abdul-Baha) (113:1) ..members of the community at large have an influence in every case of sickness. In individual cases that influence may not appear great, yet in the mass the effect is potent. Everyone is affected by the social "atmosphere" in which he lives, by the general prevalence of faith or materialism, of virtue or vice.. It may not be possible for everyone, in the present state of the world to attain perfect health.. (113:3) Few duties are impressed on Baha'is more repeatedly and emphatically than that of healing the sick, and many beautiful prayers.. have been revealed.. (113:4) "When the material world and the divine world are well correlated, when the hearts become heavenly and the aspirations pure, perfect connection shall take place. Then shall this power produce a perfect manifestation. Physical and spiritual diseases will then receive absolute healing." ('Abdul-Baha) (114:2) "If the health and well-being of the body be expended in the path of the Kingdom, this is very acceptable and praiseworthy; and if it be expended to the benefit of the human world in general-- even.. to their material benefit-- and be a means of doing good, that is also acceptable. But if the health and welfare of man be spent in sensual desires, in a life on the animal plane.. then disease were better.. nay, death itself were preferable.. If thou art desirous of health, wish thou health for serving the Kingdom.." ('Abdul-Baha)