"In the world of nature the dominant note is the struggle for existence-- the result of which is the survival of the fittest.. (which) is the cause of war and strife, hatred and animosity, between human beings. In the world of nature there is tyranny, egoism, aggression, overbearance, usurpation of rights.. and other blameworthy attributes.. Therefore, so long as the requirements of the natural world play paramount part among the children of men, success and prosperity are impossible. Nature is warlike.. bloodthirsty.. tyrannical, for nature is unaware of God the Almighty. That is why these cruel qualities are natural to the animal world." ('Abdul-Baha) (156:3) "Therefore the Lord of mankind, having great love and mercy, has caused the appearance of the Prophets and the revelation of the Holy Books, so that.. humanity may be released from the corruption of nature and the darkness of ignorance, be confirmed with ideal virtues and spiritual attributes and become the dawning-place of merciful emotions... (157:1) "..antagonistic principles are yet displayed by the nations of the world toward one another, thus causing the retardation of general progress. This retrogression comes from the fact that the.. teachings of the Prophets are forgotten." ('Abdul-Baha)