Hitherto the usual practice of mankind has been that if one nation attacked another, the rest of the nations of the world remained neutral, and accepted no responsibility.. The teaching of Baha'u'llah reverses this position and throws the responsibility of defense not specially on the nation attacked, but on all the others.. Were this doctrine generally recognized and acted on, any nation contemplating an aggression on another would know in advance that it would have to reckon with the.. rest of the world. This knowledge alone would be sufficient to deter even the boldest.. of nations. When a sufficiently strong league of peace-loving nations is established war will, therefore, become a thing of the past. During the period of transition.. wars will still be possible, and in these circumstances, military or other coercive action in the cause of international justice, unity and peace may be a positive duty. "Abdul-Baha writes that in such a case:-- (172:1) "A conquest can be a praiseworthy thing, and there are times when war becomes the powerful basis of peace.. for example, a high-minded sovereign marshals his troupes to block the onset of the.. aggressor, or.. to unify a divided state and people.. this seeming wrath is mercy itself, and this apparent tyranny the very substance of justice and this warfare the cornerstone of peace.." ('Abdul-Baha)