Having in His earlier years of hardship shown how to glorify God in a state of poverty and ignominy, Baha'u'llah in His later years at Bahji showed how to glorify God in a state of honor and affluence. The offerings of hundreds of thousands of devoted followers placed at His disposal large funds which He was called upon to administer.. The Blessed Perfection and His family lived in simple and modest fashion.. luxury was a thing unknown.. Near His home the believers prepared a beautiful garden called Ridvan, in which He often spent.. days.. or even weeks, sleeping at night in a little cottage in the garden. Occasionally He went further afield. He made several visits to 'Akka and Haifa, and on more than one occasion pitched His tent on Mount Carmel, as He had predicted.. The time of Baha'u'llah was spent for the most part in prayer and meditation, in writing the Sacred Books, revealing Tablets, and spiritual education of the Friends. In order to give Him entire freedom for this.. 'Abdul-Baha undertook the arrangement of all other affairs, even meeting the Mullas, poets, and members of the Government. All.. were.. satisfied.. and.. became.. friendly.. towards Him through their acquaintanceship with His son (whose) attitude caused them to understand the station of His father.