Why Do We Need a New Faith? (1:1) Deep in our souls we know that there is more to life than running the rat race, that there must be another race: for spiritual advancement, for an enduring hope and purpose. Deep in our souls we also know that while on earth we have a special mission, that we matter more than we think, and that we must accomplish something that will outlive our lives (1:2) We all have dreams...We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place. At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. For far too many, the dream has dissipated-- and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. Many have lost that sense of certainty that creates the winner's edge.1 (1:3) That dreaming and dormant longing in the soul can come to life only by the light of the knowledge of God, as reflected in His latest Mirror or Messenger. That knowledge transforms the soul just as a fire transforms wax into light. When the knowledge is allowed to reach the soul, the light shines and despair vanishes. Today, we see a lot of wax but little light in the heart of humanity. The evidences of despair and darkness are all around us (1:4) The family is the basis of society. Like dominoes, when the family falls, everything falls. Today, the family is in grave danger. A teenager told his mother, 'I am tired of living in this house. I want to go where there is love, peace, joy, and excitement.' His mother rose and started walking towards him. The teenager yelled, 'Don't try to stop me! I have made up my mind!' His mother said, 'Stop you? I want to join you!' (1:5) William Bennett, former U.S. Secretary of Education, issued a report on 'the index of leading cultural indicators,'2 in which he compared some vital statistics about family life in America. He found that during the last 30 years: In the United States, domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to married couples aged 15 to 45, more than all injuries caused by muggings and car accidents combined. President Clinton cited this fact, and added that in recent years domestic violence has increased three times faster than crime. In a U.N. conference on social development, it was announced that 30 percent of girls throughout the world are sexually abused, and once they are married, 50 percent are abused by their husbands (1:7) A comedian once said, 'Keep your houses unlocked, so that in times of danger you can escape quickly.' The comedian may have a point; statistics indicate that one's home is the most dangerous place. More people are killed, beaten, and abused in their home than anywhere else! (1:8) The suicide rate is perhaps the best concrete index of the psychological and spiritual health of a nation. Suicide has increased in most nations, especially among young people. In the last thirty years, the percentage of young Americans who attempt suicide has increased 500 percent.4 In many other countries such as Canada, Finland, France, Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, and Thailand, suicide rates among young people have also increased dramatically.5 (1:9) A recent 'Who's Who?' survey of 2,000 outstanding students in America showed that 30 percent of them had considered attempting suicide. These are individuals at the prime of their lives, when they should be the happiest. 'In the summer of 1990, a special commission issued a report on the health of today's adolescent. This team of prominent experts wrote, 'Never before has one generation of American teenagers been less healthy, less cared for or less prepared for life.''6 In still another study, 'More than half of young Americans between the ages 16 and 24 said they had thought about killing themselves.'7 (1:10) A Christian association recently studied the attitudes of nearly 4,000 young people aged 11-18. Of every one hundred of these youths, 80 attended an evangelical church weekly, and 86 said they had made a commitment to trust Christ as their Savior and Lord.8 Here are some of their findings: (1:11) 66 percent of those surveyed said they had lied to their parents or another adult in the last three months. Almost that many (59 percent) had lied to their peers. Many others said they were cheating, smoking, gambling, watching X-rated movies and engaging in premarital sex.9 (1:13) The researchers ask, 'What is happening to our kids? Why aren't they adopting our values? And what can we do about it?'10 Confidence in organized religion has been falling. In 1993: (1:14) The PPRC Index, a figure that provides an overall assessment of the state of American religion, was 649, the lowest ever...The index reflects belief in God, church membership/ attendance and confidence in the clergy, the church and religion itself. 11 (1:15) Sexual abuse of children is the most evident and alarming sign of spiritual starvation. What are the statistics? Family members-- fathers, stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and brothers-- are the most frequent abusers of children under age 11.12 (1:17) The statistics on mental illness, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, and crime are equally alarming. Our youths are the most vulnerable. One third of all crime is committed by children and youths 10 to 17 years old. Among the top killers of our youths are homicide, suicide, and AIDS (1:18) According to a highly respected textbook in abnormal psychology, about one fifth of the American population suffers from mental disorders or drug addiction.13 (1:19) Consider the increase in crime in England and Wales per 100,000 population: Source: For 1857-1980: B.R. Mitchell, British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, England, 1988), pp. 776-778; for 1981- 1991: Home Office Criminal Statistics.15 (1:21) What caused the decline of the Roman Empire? About two centuries ago, Edward Gibbon, the author of the classic The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, listed these reasons, which look disturbingly familiar: (1:22) Loss of dignity and sanctity of the home, and an increased divorce rate (1:23) Higher taxes and spending of public moneys