..The very existence of a working and world-wide Baha'i administration means that there is in embryo an alternative system of government to the chaos of conventional institutions, a system which is ready to serve the whole of society when there is a major breakdown of those institutions. Further, it means that when eventually such a system is accepted by mankind there will be a great body of practical experience in how it should function. (106:1) Baha'is today have two overriding.. objectives.. to spread as widely as possible knowledge of Baha'u'llah and.. to increase their own understanding of these teachings and put them into practice in their own lives.. (106:2) "To teach is, to a great extent, the art of listening. If you will listen to the one you want to teach and find out what he wants and needs to hear then you can start your treatment by giving him, from our teachings, the right answer, the right remedy... (107:1) Teaching is excellent discipline for the personal ego, for to teach successfully you have to put yourself in the background and subdue your will and self-expression enough to be a sensitive receiving instrument that will pick up the seeker's correct wave length. If you tune into that person you can commune with him and through that sympathetic thought you can begin to let the light of the Cause into his mind, you cannot force yourself into another person's soul or pound the truth into him just through sheer conviction that you are right." (Ruhiyyih Rabbani)