The welfare of mankind and the self-defined interests of the national power system not only do not coincide, they are diametrically opposed to one another. Undoubtedly, the nation state has played a useful part in the evolution of man.. but there is now overwhelming evidence that history has passed it by and that it has become an ineffective and dangerous anachronism. (20:1) With such characteristics it is not surprising that national governments are becoming alienated from those they seek to rule. Conditioned by their own values and ambitions, they become bewildered by the antagonism of their peoples, and in an effort to maintain their authority resort to violence and every sort of deviousness ranging from widespread spying on their own subjects.. manipulation of the news.. and widespread use of falsehood.. (20:2) ..If politics continue to be the main means of organizing our affairs then man will not reach his full potential.. in the long run politics will almost certainly continue to cause deep unrest and will involve a high risk of war and the destruction of civilization.