Earth is But One Country by -J. Huddleston- 1 Para

..The influence.. enjoyed by religion has declined drastically.. a.. Gallop Poll of church attendance in the United States showed that there had been a decline from forty- nine per cent of the population in 1958 to forty per cent in 1971. An earlier study in England made by Rowntree and Laver showed that in York, Easter church attendance had been thirty five point five per cent of the adult population in 1901, seventeen point seven per cent in 1935 and thirteen per cent in 1948. A 1970 survey showed that only about forty per cent of the English people believe there is a God. An American survey in France in 1953 concluded that only 6 million out of 40 million baptized Roman Catholics were at all active in the church (Religion and the Rise of Scepticism p. 5). (21:2)

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