"At present many thinkers sound an insistent note of warning that Western civilization cannot hope to survive without the reanimation of religious values." (Partisan Review) (25:3) "Discord is inveterate in human life because Man is.. at one and the same time a social animal and an animal endowed with free will. The combination of these two elements means that.. there will be perpetual conflict of wills, and this conflict will be carried to suicidal extremity unless Man experiences the miracle of conversion... the unity of Mankind... can be achieved only as an incidental result of acting on a belief in the unity of God and by seeing this unitary terrestrial society as a province of God's Commonwealth..." (Arnold Toynbee- Study of History) (25:4) "Faith will not be restored in the West because people believe it to be useful. It will return only when they find that it is true." (Barbara Ward- Faith and Freedom) (26:2) "To recapture the imagination and character of man, religion must first make terms with science; not by surrendering.. but by restating spiritual truth in terms compatible with the known and accepted truths of science." (Stanwood Cobb- Tomorrow & Tomorrow).... (26:3) .."(Arthur) Koestler.. is convinced of one thing: if there is to be a spiritual reawakening, it will be like nothing that we have ever seen before... There can be no question of a swing back to the traditional churches which are "venerable anachronisms" which ask us to split our brains into halves and speak the language of a past epoch. What will be required.. is.. the emergence of a 'new religion' a 'new type of faith' which, as Delattre remarks.. in the 'Age of Longing' will demand a cosmic loyalty with a doctrine acceptable to twentieth century man.." (Religion and Rise of Scepticism, p. 231) (26:6) "We spend our lives trying to unlock the mystery of the universe, but there was a Turkish prisoner, (Baha'u'llah in 'Akka, Palestine,) who had the key." (Leo Tolstoy)