The core of the family is marriage. In Baha'i Writings it is said that the first purpose of marriage is procreation and the raising of children: in short, the continuation of the species. But this is not all. It is also an instrument for the spiritual development of all members of the family, living together in intimacy with persons of a different sex and different age groups, learning to appreciate the beauty in the variety of life, and learning the responsibility of protecting the young and weak. The Baha'i concept of marriage is therefore much more than a legal contract between two individuals. It is more a social and spiritual contract covering all members of the family.. (75:5) "If love and agreement are manifest in a single family, that family will advance, become illumined and spiritual; but if enmity and hatred exist within it destruction and dispersion are inevitable.." ('Abdul-Baha) (76:1) Marriage and the family should provide an open home for the community, a haven and a place of love for all, including those who are deprived and lost. This is the outward-looking family giving every opportunity for the spiritual growth of its members, and of those who visit it. This is the family setting the example of how a community should be.. (76:2) So rewarding are the fruits of marriage for the individual and for society in general that Baha'u'llah said that all should marry if they are able and can find the right partner. He specifically deplored professional celibacy which, though never advocated by any of the great Educators (Prophets), has become nevertheless a tradition in many religions.