A Baha'i who wishes to marry must have a Baha'i ceremony to ensure that the Baha'i conditions of marriage are carried out. If he does not he is breaking Baha'i law and.. will be deprived of certain rights as a member of the community. The conditions for the Baha'i marriage ceremony are very simple. There should be at least two witnesses who are acceptable to the Local Spiritual Assembly or the National Spiritual Assembly.. It should be dignified and before completion the bride and bridegroom shall each repeat the vow: "We will all, verily, abide by the Will of God." (80:5) This vow clearly emphasizes the wide responsibilities of marriage and that neither partner is subject to the other but that both will strive to follow a much higher law. If the marriage requires a second ceremony, because of the requirements of the local government, or because on partner is not a Baha'i, then both ceremonies must take place on the same day. The legally recognized ceremony must be first.