Earth is But One Country by -J. Huddleston- 4 Para

..marriage has been discussed primarily as a spiritual union, which is appropriate, as the Baha'i view is that this is the real and most lasting aspect of marriage, reflecting the fact that man is essentially a spiritual being. However, Baha'i Writings affirm that the physical side of marriage is also of great importance. Sex is not only the means of procreation, which in itself is one of the main purposes of marriage, but it is one of the most beautiful channels for the expression of the spiritual union which should exist between husband and wife. The pleasure which is found in using this channel to strengthen the bond of love in marriage is one of the great joys of nature and is so appreciated in Baha'i teaching. (83:4)

However, sex, as is true of every other physical aspect of nature quickly loses its beauty when it becomes an end in itself, and when it is used outside its proper bounds it can and does become an ugly and destructive force. The Baha'i view is that the proper bounds are the marriage bond.. (83:5)

"The Baha'i Faith recognizes the value of the sex impulse, but condemns its illegitimate and improper expressions such as free love, companionate marriage and others, all of which it considers positively harmful to man and to the society in which he lives. The proper use of the sex instinct is the natural right of every individual, and it is precisely for this very purpose that the institution of marriage has been established. The Baha'is do not believe in the suppression of the sex impulse but in its regulation and control." (Shoghi Effendi) (84:1)

There are those who maintain that pre-marital sex is necessary to determine whether or not a man and a woman are compatible. This point of view overlooks the fact that true marriage is a spiritual union and that if a couple have really discovered each other's character and love what they see, then sex cannot be a fundamental problem. If they love each other and there should turn out to be sexual difficulty after marriage, which is unlikely, then they will wish to solve the problem together in tenderness and love, with, if necessary, medical help. If they do not love each other, then pre-marital sex is not going to make any difference and to base a marriage on any sexual pleasure which may be found before marriage is to invite disaster. Furthermore, indulgence in pre-marital sex on these grounds will surely take away some of the beauty from marriage: there will be, even if subconsciously, a devaluation of the marriage itself, perhaps a sense of hypocrisy, and a feeling of having started the marriage on less than the highest ideal. (84:2)

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