The Administrative Order does not have individual leaders but is designed to obtain universal participation in the process of government.. In Baha'i administration, authority rests solely with the elected institutions. No part of that authority becomes associated in any way with the individuals who serve on the institutions. A person serving on a Baha'i institution receives no special privilege and derives no prestige from his office. The reward of office is the inner hope of having done all in one's power to serve the community. (93:2) "...Personalities should not be made centres around which the community may revolve but... they should be subordinated under all conditions and however great their merits to the properly constituted Assemblies." (Shoghi Effendi) (93:3) "...there is a distinction of fundamental importance which should be always remembered.. between the Spiritual Assembly as an institution, and the persons who comprise it. These are by no means supposed to be perfect, nor can they be considered as inherently superior to the rest of their fellow believers. It is precisely because they are subject to the same human limitations that characterize the other members of the community that they have to be elected every year..." (Shoghi Effendi)