The Administrative Order has institutions at three distinct levels. To look after the affairs of each town or village where there are at least nine adult Baha'is there is a Local Spiritual Assembly. (94:2) Where there are a sufficient number of Local Spiritual Assemblies which have a common historical, cultural and geographic background a.. National Spiritual Assembly is formed.. (94:3) Crowning the Order, is the third level, the supreme legislative body of the Faith, the Universal House of Justice.. (94:5) "These Local Spiritual Assemblies will have to be elected directly by the friends, and every declared believer of twenty-one years and above, far from standing aloof and assuming an indifferent or independent attitude, should regard it his sacred duty to take part conscientiously and diligently, in the election, the consolidation and the efficient working of his own local Assembly." (Shoghi Effendi)