4 Avenue de Camoens, Paris, - November 28th The true principles of the blessed Cause of God are the eleven rules which I have given you, and I have carefully explained these, one by one. (167:2) You must endeavour always to live and act in direct obedience to the teachings and laws of Baha'u'llah, so that every individual may see in all the acts of your life that in word and in deed you are followers of the Blessed Perfection. (167:3) Exert yourselves so that this glorious teaching may encircle the globe, and that spirituality may be infused into the hearts of men. (167:4) The breath of the Holy Spirit shall confirm you, and although many will arise against you, they shall not prevail! (167:5) When the Lord Christ was crowned with thorns, He knew that all the diadems of the world were at His feet. All earthly crowns, however brilliant, powerful and resplendent, bowed in adoration before the crown of thorns! It was from this sure and certain knowledge He spoke, when He said: `All power is given unto Me, in Heaven and in earth'.