Jesus Greater than Moses? (21:0) Basis for Christian Belief: "For this man (Jesus) was counted worthy of more glory than Moses." (heb 3:3) (21:1) see Some Bahá'í Quotes: (21:2) 1."If in the days of Jesus Christ, the Jews had forsaken imitation and investigated reality, they would assuredly have believed in and accepted Him, for the messianic effulgence was far greater than the Mosaic. (pup 274) (21:3) 2."Likewise, must we set aside prejudice in considering other divine Educators by investigating reality. For instance, let us take Christ. He achieved greater results than Moses." (pup 345). (21:4) see 3."These Manifestations of God have each a two-fold station. One is the station of pure abstraction and essential unity.. In this respect, if thou callest them by one name, and dost ascribe to them the same attribute, thou hast not erred from the truth.. The other is the station of distinction, and pertaineth to the world of creation and to the limitations thereof. In this respect, each Manifestation of God hath a distinct individuality, a definitely prescribed mission, a predestined Revelation, and specially designated limitations." (kiq 152). (21:5) see 4."To prevent an act of cruelty, Moses stuck down an Egyptian and afterward became known among men as a murderer, more notable because the man He had killed was of the ruling nation." (saq 15) "Reflect upon the strange and manifold trials with which He doth test His servants. Consider how He hath suddenly chosen from among His servants, and entrusted with the exalted mission of divine guidance Him Who was known as guilty of homicide.. Likewise, reflect upon the state and condition of Mary.. How could she claim that a Babe Whose father was unknown had been conceived of the Holy Ghost? (kiq 56) [God's way is to test the hearts of the people with events in the lives of the Manifestation which are contrary to the standards of conduct the people expect - so that the hearts of the true believer can be known from the false]. (21:6) see 5."All the divine discourses contain reproof, though apparently addressed to the Prophets, in reality are directed to the people.." (Some Answered Questions 167-169)