The First Valley: If the travelers seek after the goal of the Intended One (maqsud), this station appertaineth to the self-- but that self which is "The Self of God standing within Him with Laws." (47:1) On this plane, the self is not rejected but beloved; it is well-pleasing and not to be shunned. Although at the beginning, this plane is the realm of conflict, yet it endeth in attainment to the throne of splendor. as they have said: "O Abraham of this day, O Friend Abraham of the Spirit! Kill these four birds of prey," that after death the riddle of life may be unraveled. (47:2) This is the plane of the self that is well-pleasing unto God. Refer to the verse: (47:3) "Oh, thou soul which art at rest, Return to thy Lord, well-pleased, and pleasing Him:"which endeth: |